08 March 2011

Venezia Day 1

Cue the Santa Lucia:

Ahhh Venice. I had looked forward to seeing Venice for a long time, but somehow over the course of the trip my excitement waned. I wondered "How could it compare to all the other incredible sights I've seen." But as Jacob's parents, Jacob, and I stepped out of the train station, into a bustling water-metropolis, the sun shining brightly, I was stunned.


06 March 2011


We left Rome just as we had arrived there: under umbrellas, stomping through puddles in poorly drained streets, and avoiding umbrella salesmen. The four of us were on our way to Venice to meet my parents for Thanksgiving. It's a long stretch so we thought we'd make the most of it and spend a day/night in Florence. And we arrived to a very beautiful, clear, rain-free day!


02 March 2011

Roman Holiday

When you have just a few days in Rome, you cram in trips to as many impressive landmarks and ruins as you can. And that's what we did.

We walked the ruins of The Forum, still being excavated to this day.
