We got a late start to our first full day in Plzen, so we decided to start our day with a picnic. We stopped by a grocery store to pick up some goodies. This grocery store in Plzen most closely resembled the huge grocery stores we have in MN (as well as across the U.S.A) and don’t ask me why, but I found it strangely comforting. The grocery store was also located next to a McDonalds with a drive-thru! That was the first we’d seen here as well. Perhaps the picture I’m painting for you is not of an idyllic European town, but believe me this was not the case. Jacob and I had walked through the city’s town square the night before on our quest to try some local Czech brews (other than Pilsener Urquell) and it was quite nice. We thought it would be a nice spot for our picnic.

In my opinions, Plzen’s town square was the most beautiful we’ve seen in any of the cities we’ve visited. The buildings were very different from one another and quite ornate.
This picnic was quite the feast! We lunched upon pastries, apples, juiceboxes and EVEN happy hippos.

As we picnicked, city staff was setting up the wooden structures that would no doubt soon be decked out in holiday cheer for the Christmas Market. (Sadly, the market opened just a few days after we were there). We talked a bit about the differences between Plzen and Prague and we both agreed we liked the pace of Plzen better, and as I just mentioned we were very struck with its architechtural beauty as well. In fact, we were so inspired that we decided to photograph every building on the square so that we could create some kind of photographic display of the entire square when we got home. We are both really looking forward to putting that together!
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