11 September 2010

Picnic #1: A Perfect Picnic

As you read in the last post, after much searching (due to our own pickiness) (or picnickiness -ed.) we found the perfect spot to picnic.


Pretty nice huh?
We picnicked on a cliff/very steep hill on the mountatin which overlooked one of the two lakes in the area, as well as several swiss villages, snowy peaks, and para-gliders.

picnic view to the left

picnic view straight ahead

We dined on a nice swiss cheese, french bread, apples and wine all purchased in Interlaken


In the background, cows grazed; the ringing of their bells added a lot to the general ambiance.


As far as views go, I have to say this is probably the best I'd ever seen. We've set the bar, very very high for future picnics. But I'm looking forward to the next!

Approximate picnic price::
Cheese: 1.50 CHF
Wine: 3 CHF
Bread: 3.50 CHF
Apples: 1.50 CHF

Total: 12.50 CHF or $12.26



  1. Looks wonderful!! Love it and love those cups!!
    Cin cin!! We are practicing our Italian. m&j

  2. wow - gorgeous....thanks for the post...

  3. Hi Lulu and Jakey! Looks like you're having an awesome time in Europe and eating lots of cheese! Thanks for writing this blog - you're giving me a great procrastination tool! Love you!

  4. Wow. These pictures are almost too perfect and pristine. I have a sneaking suspicion that you guys are actually just camped out behind a CVS somewhere in the suburbs, and are just Google image searching "picturesque" + "Interlaken" and posting what you find. Come to think of it, I think I've seen that dragon sculpture before ...
