14 September 2010

Picnic #2: Picnic by the alps

As Jacob mentioned in his last post, by the time we reached our hostel, we were pretty exhausted from our 40 min to 1 hour hike downhill with our 50 lbs. bags. And the patio view of the Alps was quite inviting, so we unpacked our picnic goodies and set up shop.


Our picnic was similar to #1, only with a few additional things. We purchased some Salami from Murren (the town which we hiked from to get to Gimmelwald), as well as some ginger cookies, and carrots. We were still working on the swiss cheese from the day earlier.


We were pretty amazed at our location and wondered just how we got here. It’s so strange to think of our friends, and family back in Minneapolis as little dots, on a map, and here we are, “dots on a map” in the mountains in Switzerland. The view, as you can see, was splendid, and we couldn’t believe that we were able to meet the high standards of our previous picnic.


This picnic was an extended picnic—we sat out for quite a while nibbling, uploading photos, and playing cribbage (I skunked Jacob!). It was a very relaxing couple of hours and once again humbled by the magnificence of Switzerland.


1 comment:

  1. Way to go Karina! "Better than a sharp stick in the eye"
